October 28 and November 4, 2012

January 30th, 2012 by admin-su


 the family of Mrs White whose funeral is on 1st November 

 those who continue to need the healing touch of God’s hand especially Geoff, Gerry, Peter, Grace and Dave Holt 

 for those under pressure at work and who have been made redundant 

 the family of Jake Bates whose funeral was held last week 

 for Liam Martin who is charged with the murder of his friend Jake Bates (let us not guess what happened but hold him in God’s mercy and grace) and for his family who suffer too 



Sunday 4th November 2012 at 4.30 pm with a time to remember our loved ones who have now left us to be with the Lord 

We would very much like to invite those who attend to stay after the service for some refreshments. If you are able to bake a cake for that evening could you please let Stefanie know. 


Andy is coming to host another Quiz Night. It has been arranged for Friday 2nd November at 7.30 pm in the hall. Please let Stefanie know if you would like to come along. 


St Francis’ Church’s Craft in Company get together sessions are now monthly and the next one will be held this week on November 2nd from 10am to noon in the church hall. 

Crafts that have made an appearance so far include knitting, crocheting, jewellery making, quilting, sewing, doll’s house furnishings, pergamano, card making, and scrapbooking. Individual projects include wall hangings, cushions, aprons, advent calendars, felt toys, picnic rug, knitted bags and toys, and rag wreaths. There are crafts books to browse and cake to eat. £3 per session (to include cake and hot drinks). Bring your project and craft in company! Chat to Sarah or Jyl for more details. 


A short said Holy Communion will take place at 9.00 before the Remembrance Service on the 11th November 

The Stoughton & Westborough Branch of the Royal British Legion has delivered the poppies which are placed at the back of the church. The money collected goes to help those who have served and are still serving in Her Majesty’s Service. Members of the Royal British Legion will be joining us at our Remembrance Service at 10.45 am on 11th November. There will be activities in the hall for the children during this service. 


Our Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday 1st December from 12 – 3. Please speak to Jyl or Sarah about ways you can help with ‘baking and making’. 


Morning services will change from 9.30 am to 10.00 am starting on January 6th (for a three month trial). There are a number of reasons this has been decided which may not be obvious to you, if you would like to know more please see Stefanie. 


…to Brian Walter on being elected as Churchwarden. Please pray for him as he carries out his calling and please pray too for a Deputy to help him 


 to all who helped at the community shop yesterday